Product Tracibility

Quality is not a process by itself. Quality is a way of working, a part of the process of manufacturing. At Luthra Industrial Corp. the word Quality flows in the veins of every person (literally) who is associated with the Organisation in any proportion. We follow a strict philosophy of Make No Defect, Accept No Defect and Give No Defect.
However as a Responsible Organisation it is also important to be well prepared in advance for any Unfortunate, Unforeseen and Uncalled sequence of events and have a contingency plan parallelly placed for any such minor or major lapse in product quality which for some unforgivable reason happens to leave the Organisation premises and reach the customer end.
For this very purpose as a precautionary measure we have developed & put in place a very Unique, properly documented and well archived traceability system since 2013. At the time of dispatch every product at LIC is marked with a 6 digit combination code of alphabets and numbers which can only be decoded or deciphered by the sophisticated system. This way we are able to track, trace and identify the root cause and origin of the problem in a span of few hours from the time of problem reporting and on certain occasions also able to communicate to the customer in case if the data reflecting against the combination code shows no variation in terms of quality discrepancy.